Leading The Way In Solar System Technology
By installing a solar battery your home can remain powered throughout the evening while your solar panels are not producing electricity. The battery will automatically charge during the day from electricity produced by your solar panels, storing the energy needed to power your home in hours of darkness.
We supply and fit the most advanced solar batteries the market has to offer, with a range of sizes to meet your electricity consumption requirements.
With the right number of solar panels and an adequate battery storage system, you will be able to gain all the electricity needed to power your home, no longer needing to rely on expensive electricity supplied from the grid, better still excess electricity you do not use can be sold back to the grid meaning you never waste any of the valuable electricity your solar panel system produces.
Save Money, Save The Environment!
Our Solar business now provides the preferred channel to market for some of the world's leading PV manufacturers, our solar professionals work jointly with partners on enhancing product features, lowering lead times, improving efficiency and system output.
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