Solar Panel Installation
As the largest and most experienced installer of solar panels across the UK, we offer an unrivalled service to our happy customers, supported with outstanding warranties, we offer the worlds leading energy products in the market today, so you can trust that you're in safe hands!
Our Award Winning Solar Systems Are Designed To Produce Clean FREE Electricity, Engineered To Last A Lifetime
We drive the transition to more sustainable, reliable, and affordable energy systems. With our innovative technologies, we energize your home.
The increase in extreme weather events and rising sea levels are unmistakable signs of climate change. How can adding solar panels to your home help prevent this from becoming worse? Take for example an average home that uses 8,288 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per year. For that home, switching from electricity produced from fossil fuels to solar panels has the same emissions reduction effect as planting about 150 trees every single year for the lifetime of the solar panel system.
Choosing a clean source of electricity like solar panels can eliminate the same amount of carbon emissions that would result from burning over 5,000 pounds of coal each year.